Thursday, 29 November 2012

Returning to the Fold...

It's been a long time since I blogged on here.  To tell you the truth, this was mostly out of a lack of engagement in what I was meant to be blogging about.  I lost a lot of faith in my Avon business for a while; things were going downhill no matter how hard I tried, and it's only recently that I have managed to once again give myself a boost in the right direction.

So, with my reappearance, there are going to be a few changes to the blog - mainly in that I will no longer be blogging only about Avon.  I will be blogging about Make-Up and Beauty in general, including fashion, where appropriate, so hopefully I will have a lot more to talk to everybody about.  This is going to start with a review on a new lipstick that Avon have just released, as well as a review on a recent purchase of a Gothic Victorian-style jacket, that I probably shouldn't have bought because it was rather expensive!

On top of this I am going to be experimenting with clothing and make-up looks, as I have a Christmas Party at work on Tuesday and I need an outfit for that!

Look forward to it! :-)

Check out my new AVON eBrochure!